Stella, May I know if you enjoyed your National Donut Day?
Well that's an easy question. Of course I did! Look I got to make have my donut and coffee! I got one the the last two strawberry sprinkles donuts at Dunkin' Donuts and I couldn't be happier. It was late in the afternoon so we weren't sure if there were going to any left, but there was.We actually went to Krispy Kreme first. (I know two donut shops in a day is a little excessive, but it being National Donut Day called for it.) There was such a long line here. We ended up waiting and the location we were at stopped their fresh donut making that day. That's why the machines in the picture are empty. They still had full carts of donuts though.
Here I am showing the two free donuts I got today. (Well almost free.) Now to finally place the donut through the straw.
Look how cute that is! The drink is only a small size and I had to use the larger straw to make sure that donut would fit, so it's a little disproportionate Still, I'm happy with my little afternoon snack.
We don't really go out for coffee that much so this donut/coffee combination is a real treat. (I almost always only have coffee when it's a special, see my last coffee post! Click here.) Let me know how you celebrated this holiday by comment below! I promise to respond faster than my last comment.