Stella, May I know your New Year's Resolutions for 2016?
Sure! First and foremost, Happy New Year fellow friends and welcome to the first featured Fiddle-Faddle Friday.Truth be told, I am never one to write down a list. If I have written down something, then you better believe I didn't follow through with it. This year, I plan to change all that. My 2016 New Year's Resolution is to blog at the minimum biweekly (the twice a week one, not the once every two weeks one. They can mean both. Who knew?) I know that I promised that before (about 6 months ago), but this time I am more prepared. I have a few posts already written (they still need editing) and I still have lots more ideas that are almost ready to be turned into posts. I feel (totally more than last time) prepared to tackle this resolution.
Even though I seem much more prepared this time around, I am still learning how to do this whole blogging thing. I am still trying to find a writing style I like and continue to be consistent with. I want to improve my photography skills (and post editing skills, of which I have none of.) I would like to find and stick to a social media schedule and platforms where I can consistently update and communicate with you (beyond here.) Ultimately I would like this little corner of the internet to be up and running, have good content, and be constantly trying to improve. I mean the website might be totally down for days, but rest assured I will have at least two posts up every week.
On Tuesdays expect to see a tutorial of sorts. Tutorial Tuesdays. It will be the longer of the two posts with a lot more pictures detailing step by step instructions. On Fridays, the post will be shorter, more personal, and sillier. Fiddle-Faddle Fridays. (Pretty sure that's a real word. It's in the dictionary, but I still get those red squiggles. #fiddlefaddle) More than likely, the post will feature my pets, product reviews, or something else that has tickled my fancy and I think it will tickle yours. I hope you stick around and come back biweekly!
Happy New Year 2016!